Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Let Go!

My mind stutters
thoughts become cluttered
all things I want to speak, freeze

Just moments ago I wanted to shout
I want to be let out!
Yet somethings holding me back

Why can't I just whisper
without it having to blister
my heart

I thought this depression ended
yet it just rendered
me insane

Haunting me with it's voices
full of power and choices
that latch onto me

Even I, who've felt it before
had no idea that the gore
could render me speechless

I'm lazy

The title is i'm lazy, because it's my day off and I don't feel the need to come up with a title. My brains engine is tired, and a little hung-over today, so i'm giving it a break. So obviously, i'm not having very good luck with this blog. But honestly, i've tried maybe three times since the last post to post something. I don't know what to say. I don't know how to put all my thoughts that i'm feeling down into coherent sentences. But I got an idea, so instead of posting entries about my life and how fucked up things are I decided i'd just post previous crazy entries in my old blog and poems that I've written. 'Oh, that's so emo.' Fuck off, it's my blog.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

First Thoughts

Well, isn't this original. A dazed, delirious, curious, confused, lost, bitch of a female has created ANOTHER blog to go along with all the other BILLION blogs in which create the surface of the internet.

Seeing as how this is my first blog post, i'll start with the curious name.
For those of you who don't know what an Over-Analyzer is, let's just get this one thing straight: It does not mean that over do it with the anal sex.
My favorite definition of an Over-Analyzer comes from the amazing Urban Dictionary.


Someone in need of a thorough bitch-slapping. A know-it-all that doesn't actually know anything in actuality. Someone who appears to pull nonsense out of their ass in order to validate a situation. Picks every detail apart until it's loses it's meaning. Someone with way too much free time on their hands. Thinks they are god's gift to humanity usually.
P1- "That guy thinks I'm afraid of change just because I think this new school sucks."
P2- "That, my friend, is an over-analyzer. Let's go kill his pseudo intellectual ass!"
Although, I do not think I am 'god's gift to humanity'. Quit the opposite, really. Which is why I need this blog. I, being the Over-Analyzer that I am, like to get thoughts and opinions on the delusions of my life that I am analyzing.
In creating this blog, it took me two days.
Day 1 of Blog Creation:
Sometime early morning, I was still pondering a stupid situation in which I found myself, and was curious as to why I was still talking about with myself.
After a whole day of reliving the situation over and over again, I really thought I needed advice. Which I came up with the clever idea of writing a blog. The idea was quickly dashed away, with the huge loud voice inside my head that controlled the very essence of my self-esteem. "No one will read your blog if you post it. Don't be so silly." Said the loud voice. Thus, blogging was put off another day.
Day 2 of Blog Creation:
Latelatelate night of Day 1, earlyearly morning of Day 2 thoughts keep pounding through my head. Yes, that's right, pounding. My thoughts don't flow through my brain, they punch my thought processors and MAKE me think about them.
Pushing away the loud voice that makes me shudder in lack of esteem, I took control of my fingertips and decided to start making a blog.
By the afternoon of Day 2 I sat staring at the screen. 'Pick a name for your blog.' Screamed at me from the screen, burning a hole through my retinas. I'd been staring at this page for about three hours. Returning to it when I thought i'd come up with something clever.
Still to this moment as i'm typing these words, I wonder about the title.
As an Over-Analyzer I should of thought of these things before, because as I dutifully finally chose a title, I had to pick a template. Doing something completely out of the ordinary, I closed my eyes and just picked one.
Oh, was that a bad idea. I second, third, and tenth guessed myself. I finally decided on something simple.
Black, right? It's easy on the eyes. Oddly enough, it was the one I blindly chose through fate. I just didn't pick it the first time because I thought it was going to make me look emo.
Now by this point, you're probably wondering how I get through the day. I wonder about it myself, sometimes. But it happens, and i'm still here.